Tales From Lockdown - What Day Is It?
What day is it? Not something I have the firmest grip on at best of times but now, without a 'weekend' the days are beginning to feel the same. Last week I was full of plans of everything I wanted to achieve; knitting gloves, painting pictures, sewing facemasks, learning how to create PDFs, creating jewellery designs for a new collection, and practicing working with copper wire, were at the top of the list, all vying for my attention. Instead, I ended up on an anxiety-fuelled house cleaning and cooking spree, with the odd 30 minutes of gardening thrown in to top up my vitamin D.
After closing my online shop, I initially thought I'd be able to send out small items, by posting them in the post box at the end of the street. But inline with current advice, I think it's more important to stay indoors for the time being, so my business is on hiatus. Your guess is as good as mine as to when I'll be able to reopen the shop but if you'd like to be notified, please subscribe to my newsletter.
So what now? I'm doing my best to take each day as it comes. I don't want to think too far ahead. After living through several periods of extreme anxiety and depression in the past I'm thankful that today at least, I feel OK...and OK is good enough in these circumstances.
I hope you're coping, however, you can. These are not normal times, many people have a lot more time on their hands than they're used to and feel pressurised into being busy at all times...if that's you, cut yourself some slack! There's been a lot of well-meaning sharing of online learning resources - I've been doing it too. I had great intentions of signing up for a free 3 month trial of Affinity designer (and still might too) but, if you feel like your world is tumbling down around you, the last thing you're able to do is concentrate enough to absorb new information. For the last few days, I've been slowing down the pace, looking at old photos, playing favorite songs, modeling with Plasticine, and waiting...